MM 2003- Tiffany Wiley


Defining News

     News is what starts with a person and ends with a story. News is what we make it. Stories such as a little boy building robots as a kid and grows up to be the number one paid engineer in the world. Now he has a story that we can talk about. 

    News sometimes is difficult to understand. We wonder why this particular news feed is important and what over values this story more than the other. But often times we don’t always look at what the story is specifically about but what we take from it. This is how news transforms into allegations and rumors and is no longer informational news but gossip news.

    As readers, we look into what’s more exciting, the drama, and the chaos in a story. So we take that and add on to it. Now this one story has many stories that has been twisted and turned into their own brand new story. This is why we have to be cautious of what we write about or speak on. News will always be informative for the public rather it’s true, bias, or incorrect because again, news is what we make it. 

    A perfect example of what I mean is the Sha’Carri Richardson story. The incident that she had with her marijuana case was viewed wrongfully. Everyone bashed her and criticized her. They took everything that was bad in that issue rather than seeing what was really going on. They intentionally weighed her future as if she wouldn’t have one. After that Sha’Carri had plenty of baffling incidents where she was attacked and had to defend herself. But through all of that she never gave up and came out as number 1 in her field. With that, now her news is trending. 

    News is alternatively fun, influential, informative, unique and gossipy. This is the effect news has in todays society. It has a fifty-fifty shot on effectiveness and how we view these news stories. So what is news, news is you! 


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