MCOM-1003 Tiffany Wiley
Term Paper III
November 20, 2022
Reality TV
There are various television shows, movies, and plays that are aired all across the world. Movie productions are one of the most popular profits on the planet. Producers make productive films and have hundreds of thousands of people, all around the world, audition for them. Reality Television is a very popular production today. They almost produce every type of genre you can think of. Productions include finding random love, real life drama, surviving on an island, the best surgical doctors, a close look into famous people's lives outside of publicity, game shows, and many more. Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta and Family Feud are two of my favorite Reality Tv Shows.
Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta is a drama series that involves famous music producers and upcoming Artist. The cast are all affected by other members of the cast. Competition is a major fact in this production. Many families fight physically and about certain issues ongoing in their lives. This includes cheating, rumors, beef, and lies. All of the drama in the show mostly maintains the audience's interest. The fighting and that they are always in competition keeps the audience intrigued. Younger people are likewise to watch this show. Elder people would not enjoy this show as much due to the nudity, foul language, and the fighting. These cast maintain a reputation on all form of social media. Some of them were always social media famous and others gained that popularity when joining the show. Many cast members have their own clothing stores, make-up lines, and other business, which explains their success outside of the show. They prophecies these businesses across social media helping them maintain their followers and bringing in more. Forms of social media are Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and more.
Family Feud is a television game series hosted by Steve Harvey. It involves two separate families in competition to win the money prize. They all are given a question to answer, and everyone has to give an answer. Whichever family answers the question correctly and gives the best answer receives the most points. They are also given a bonus round having a choice to keep playing and being able to win more money or leave with nothing, or keep the money already won. The show itself keeps the audience interested. The cast members will stay interested because they have the chance to be on Steve Harvey's show and also is able to win thousands of dollars just by answering questions. This show is more diverse in the viewing of the show. Many aged and religious people watch Family Feud. Family Feud has been a popular show for decades now. This particular show has been advertised for many years. Steve Harvey has board games that you can buy online or in person. Family Feud has been increasingly profitable and influenced because of social media today. Forms such as Facebook memes, YouTube clips, TikTok videos and many others.
Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta will succeed more than others because it keeps its audiences entertained. In production films you have to find what the people like. If a production does not involve drama, fighting, love, money, gun violence, violence or all the wrong things the number of views will be small. That will result in the production failing and therefore, it will be no more of it to air. If certain films are predictable or repeated the views will decrease. Family Feud offers the aspects needed to keep it ongoing. Steve Harvey has his way of luring loyal people in anyways, so everything he has will forever be popular and successful.
If I produced a reality television show It would be of my own life. I have a very interesting life and many friends, and other family members have always stated that we should have and our own tv show. We have all the right content to maintain a successful show including drama, fighting, pain, tragic accidents, entrainment, love life, and talent. It would contribute to the tv production called Euphoria.
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